Our load cells and Weigh Bars under tanks, silos and vessels create a complete weighing system. For smaller loads, our floor scales, forklift truck scales, conveyor scales and bench scales are as tough and accurate as our larger scales.
Many applications require accuracy levels that are simply not obtainable with traditional strain gage load cells, no matter how much we’ve been able to improve them. Our internationally patented Ultra Precision load cells feature the newest weighing technology to be released in the last 40 years and provide ten to twenty times better accuracy than the standard strain gage variety.
Using the same basic theory of load cell design found in our industrial strain gage cells, we applied a new technology called surface acoustic wave, or SAW, which provides 20 times higher resolutions at the same capacities and 10 times better accuracy.
For any further inquiries, mail or contact us +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917
